I was fortunate enough to have time today to visit downtown Seattle between 11:30 AM and 12:30 PM for the Seahawks parade! For those of you who may be living outside the state of Washington, the Seattle Seahawks football team won the Super Bowl and had a parade today (2/5/14) for their fans – the 12th Man.
On my way into the city from the land of suburbia, I came across a pickup truck with two large flags and two smaller flags. The photo on the left is the way it’s done from outside of the city. But in Seattle, it’s done like the photo on the right.
The crowd was much bigger than I anticipated. I planned on photographing the large crowds down the main street of the parade. However, after walking on the very narrow sidewalk path down one block, I decided to go back to an area where I could actually see something coming down the parade route. Here are a couple of photos I snapped before retreating from this area…
A 12th Man flag was available to sign for any fan…
The people at KOMO 4 News and KIRO were enjoying the parade view from their office deck.
The Beast, Marshawn Lynch, did a nice thing for a construction worker. He signed his construction hat.
If you look close enough, you can see the Skittles flying through the air after The Beast tossed them to some fans.
Skittles to the left, Skittles to the right, Skittles everywhere!
Not everyone was happy with the parade. This little girl became frightened when a man repeatedly yelled “Sea” to get the crowd to respond with “Hawks!!!”. Below the pic of her is one of Russell Wilson (bottom left) waving to the crowd.
Russell Wilson reacting to fans…
A parade wouldn’t be complete without the Sea Gals!
Paul Allen was also present with a 12th man flag.
I like this photo of Coach Carroll copying the excitement of the fan…
Some of the players brought their kids which I thought was a great day for them to remember!
The trophy that NFL teams fight for every year – the Vince Lombardi trophy for winning the Super Bowl! The trophy is named in honor of Vince Lombardi. Here is Richard Sherman holding it…
And no post in Seattle would be complete without the sign off: “JESSE JONES!!!! KING 5 News“.